Who we are:
We are part of Churches Together in England, working at County level. We are sometimes called an ‘Intermediate Body'.
Churces Together in Oxfordshire is run by the leaders of the various church denominations or groups, helped by an "enabling" group. We also employ a part-time "county ecumenical development officer" (CEDO), who is David Hare.
The Enabling Group is currently made up of the following denoninational representatives, plus our Treasurer and CEDO
- Rev. Jason St. John Nicole, Church of England and Chair
- Rev. John Anderson, Methodist and Secretary
- Rev. Steve Barber, Baptist
- Major John Parry, Salvation Army
- Rev. Glyn Millington, United Reformed Church
- Rev. Mr. Nick StJohn, Roman Catholic
- Mr. Chris Robins, Treasurer
- Mr David Hare, CEDO
We meet regularly throughout the year.