Serving Churches and Communities across Oxfordshire


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 Recent News and Information

The Annual General Meeting of Churches Together in Oxfordshire was held on Monday 4th March at the High Street Methodist Church, Witney.

We heard from Witney Town Chaplains, Anna Chaplains, Apollos Clothing and SAT7-UK. Links to these organsiations are on our Charities section (link above).

The video of the meeting can be found at

Timings: Witney Town Chaplains @ 11:50; Apollos Clothing @ 18:30;

Anna Chaplains @ 35:10; SAT7-UK @ 53:10 

Minutes of recent Enabling Group meetings can be found in the Info section (link above).

Looking to support asylum seekers, refugees and vulnerable migrants? Libby Hawkness-Smith, a Methodist community chaplain working in Didcot and Oxford has produced three leaflets giving guidance as to how and where support can be found. The three towns covered so far are Abingdon, Didcot and Oxford but she is looking to produce similar leaflets for the other towns in Oxfordshire. If you can help please contact Libby via the details in the leaflets found below.

 Refugee Leaflet Abingdon

Refugee Leaflet Didcot 

Refugee Leaflet Oxford